Monday, September 29, 2008

Follow-up: The Flood wk 2

Story: The Flood

Fundamental Truth: Jesus Came to Save Sinners

Making it Real:
What does the story of the flood show us about Jesus?
After God saved Noah and his family and set the ark on dry land, He placed a rainbow in the sky, a sign of His promise to never flood the earth again. We can be confident that God will keep that and all promises. The most important promise that God ever kept was His promise throughout the Old Testament to send a Savior to fix the sin problem and reconcile the people, or bring them back, to God. God promised to send someone to pay the price for the sin that we all do that keeps us separate from our perfect God and He did that when he sent Jesus to earth to live and die as a man. Since Jesus was fully man and fully God, he could die a physical death but His death could cover the sins of all men for all time who choose to love and trust Him.

Making it Stick:
God used a rainbow to give His people a reminder of His love for them. With your child, come up with a symbol or picture that represents your family’s love for God. Draw, paint, or otherwise create your symbol or picture and display it somewhere within your home. Feel free to add a special verse or saying that explains that this is a reminder that your family loves God.

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