Generally, hopefully, as you gather your family around a delicious family Thanksgiving meal, there is some talk about things you are thankful for. I encourage you this Thursday to take advantage of that time to share the gospel with your children.
The most precious gift we've ever received is the gift of our salvation and that is what we should daily be most thankful for. When talking with your children about the things you are thankful for, tell them that you are thankful that God, in His mercy, gave us Jesus to die to pay the price for our sins. Tell them that you are thankful that God gave us a way to be made right again even though we are so full of sin. Explain that God gave us Jesus to take all of our sins on Himself on the cross and that if we love and trust Jesus and accept His gift of death on the cross for our sins, we can be made right before God.
Don't neglect to express joyful gratitude over your salvation this Thanksgiving and in doing so share with your children the most important message in the world!
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