Monday, December 8, 2008

Follow-up: Advent Week 2

Story: Jesus is Coming! Angels proclaim the birth

Fundamental Truth: God is in Charge of Everything

Making it Real:
Angels exist to glorify God and carry out His commands. We exist to glorify God also. We give God glory by making Him famous. What are some ways we can make God famous this Christmas season?
We can make Him famous in our own lives by turning from our sins (repentance), offering prayers that praise God for His greatness, praying for those around us and recognizing God’s power over everything, being obedient to our parents and teachers and reading the Bible.
We can make Him famous to other people by telling them the great things He’s done in our life, telling them the truth of Christ’s death to save us from our sins, spending our time in service to others and speaking, singing and praying God’s greatness out loud.

Making it Stick:
Angels appeared to Mary and to Joseph to proclaim the birth of Christ. With your child, come up with ways to proclaim Christ’s birth to your family. You can come up with a song that tells the Good News, a skit or news broadcast, a poem or any other form of proclamation. Include what is happening (the birth of God’s Son), why (to redeem sinners) and what it achieves (restoration to our perfect God). Spend some time one evening proclaiming the news of Christ’s birth to those in your family and/or to neighbors and friends.

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