Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year, New Opportunities

As you continue to settle back into your daily routine, take time to sit down with your children and reflect on the good things God has done in your family in the last year. If you have not already done so, take time over dinner or before bedtime to make a list using words or pictures, of some of the great things God did or taught you this year. Spend time praying and thanking God for the things on that list.
After that, take some time as a family to think through some things you want to see God do in your lives this year. Consider things within your home, opportunities within the church or community, and hopes you have for extended family or friends. Write down your prayers and goals for this year and spend some time praying over them and asking God for the things on your list.
At the end of your time together, remind you children that God is Good and that as a family you will trust Him to do whatever He wants to within your lives this year. Spend a few final minutes praising God through song or prayer for His power, provision and love.

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