July’s focus – Jesus’ miracles
This month, the preschool ministry is learning about some of the miracles Jesus performed during His earthly ministry. We encourage you to talk more about these miracles at home.
Week 1 – Jesus heals the sick – sickness is all around us. It is one of the most obvious and constant effects of the Fall. Christ healed the sick to show us His power over the physical and to point us to His power over the spiritual. Just like our bodies can experience sickness, so too our hearts are sick with sin until we give our hearts to Jesus to heal. And while Jesus will not always heal physical illness, we remember that He is good and that He is taking care of us in the best way possible.
Week 2 – Jesus feeds 5,000 – Jesus took a tiny portion, blessed it, and served it to thousands! In this story, we see our Savior meeting a physical need. But He’s also showing us that He can feed our hearts, too. The hunger deep inside of us is a spiritual one that only Jesus can satisfy.
Week 3 – Jesus walks on water – Our God has control over every single thing, including the wind and the waves! He also has the power to call His people to Him and they are safe from harm as long as they keep their eyes on the Savior. This miracle shows us the importance of recognizing Christ’s omnipotence and following after Him above everything else.
Week 4 – Jesus raises the dead – There are several stories in Scripture of Christ raising the dead, the most notable being the story of Lazarus. This is a unique way that God displays His power. In death there is finality and sadness, unless Christ intercedes. Apart from Jesus, death is a forever separation from God. But because Jesus defeated death, we can be with God forever.
As always, we want to bring discussion back to the greatest miracle that ever occurred, Christ’s death on the cross to pay for our sins and His defeat of sin and death when He was resurrected.
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